Tower Defense: Turrets Lite

by Unity Smart Games



Refrain long columns of armored vehicles using alien turrets

This version of the game is lite (there are only the first 2 missions.) The game belongs to the genre of Tower Defense. Purpose of the game: retention onrushing enemy. There are many types of turrets with different properties. Almost all of them have 10 levels (Flame Turret has 20 levels.) You can change the priority for each of the turret (nearest,weakest or strongest target.) In this game it is more beneficial to upgrade the constructed turrets as possible, than to build new ones. To perform difficult missions, you need to have a good tactical and strategic abilities, and the ability to make quick decisions and adapt to changing conditions.- Added a new unique turret (Lightning Turret)- Now there are 3 levels of difficulty (easy, normal and hard)- Changed main menu- Made new maps (all 10 maps)- Changed turrets: Meteor Turret and Flame Turret (became thoughtful)- Rebalanced all turrets and waves of all missions- Buff buildings were taken away (for full freedom of the location of the turrets along the creeps path)- Fixed some bugs

Read trusted reviews from application customers


koko min

A poor game unbounce can't beat level 1 poor Graphics can't tell what you're using

Edith Quesenberry

Can't win level 1

Wendell Mills

Md sobuj

Md Sobuj1944

no like

Skizo 76

don`t like the game

Lynn Haase

Only 2 free levels

Tommy Venenga

Took AGES to figure out how to beat it. I like that :)

mick walsh

بازهم سلام اقای سازنده عذر می خواهم ولی این بازی فقط بکاراین می خورد که خودت تنها بازی کنید ولی حواست باشد درحین بازی کردن برای خودت گریه نکنید مردحسابی این اصلا سلاح ها با زره پوشهای جنگی متابقت ندارد یکی رامیزنید 14تا ردمی شود فقط وفقط خودت تنها بازی کن ناراحت نباشید وقتی خودت بازی کتی دلت خوش است که حداقل یک نفر بازی کرده .ازشما ممنون

هاشم پژوند


Joie Bagtindon